Agus Priyatna

Agus Priyatna, S.E., M.M.

Chief Operating Officer

Agus Priyatna has over 20 years of experience in the field of indonesia taxation, both as Tax Employee and Manager at RSM-AAJ. Born in Jakarta. Graduated from STAN Jakarta and Master in Management Sciences.
Worked in the Directorate General of Taxes, Indonesia Ministry of Finance as an Account Representative at KPP Pratama Jatinegara and KPP Madya East Jakarta. As an Audit on the VAT division at KPP PMA Dua and PMA Empat, and as a researcher of Objection and Appeal at KPP PMA Dua Objections division. In 2013, Agus pursued his professional career as a Tax Manager in Tax Consultant office at RSM AAJ Tax Consultant.
Agus expertise areas are Tax Litigation. He is also a lecturer in one of private university in Jakarta, been a guest speaker of tax seminar and training.